This page is dedicated to all those that are loosing big because of the airplane fuel mix in Australia. A full listing of their press releases can be found here and their first one can be found here.
I just started flying again and am quite surprised at how quickly my skills have dwindled because of missing a few months in the air. I'm not a commercial operator and I don't own my own plane so I'm out of luck with Mobil offer me any assistance.
In its defense I would like to say that I'm glad Mobil is working with its customers and not try to hide form its responsibilities but it is leaving out most of the little guys. From their web page:
Mobil Oil Australia has established a $15 million program to provide financial hardship support to its aviation customers whose businesses have been affected by the avgas contamination issue and the subsequent CASA Airworthiness Directives. Mobil will manage the program with the assistance of a firm with extensive experience in claims administration. Independent auditors will be involved throughout the process.
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