Moorea is a great dive spot. Its a half hour boat ride away from Papeete Bay on Tahiti and is well worth the trip. Here you will find some of the diving that Tahiti is famous for.
Here I stayed at a place called "Fare Condominium" which was a low cost place close to the beach. There hotel has a small dive operation there that has a small boat with at most 10 divers.
Tahiti is famous for its sharks and Moorea has plenty. The diver operators tend to feed the fish and sharks so as soon as the boat anchored there were about 15 black tip sharks circling the boat. Once in the water, the dive master is surrounded by larger fish who are all after a free meal. I personally don't like this kind of diving. It may seem great to a new diver but having that many larger fish around will run off the smaller fish as well as all the fish that are too shy to be feed. The result is that there are about 30 species of fish that you will see at any dive spot and thats about it.
It was here that a fish stole my disposable Kodak camera. I'm sure the fish though it was a chum can and grabbed the rubber cord and took off with it. I'm not sure who was more disappointed, me ore the fish. The underwater cameras are only rated to 15 ft but they don't seem to leak at higher pressures. The problem is that the shutter release won't pop back up at depth because of the water pressure.
This is better than diving on the main island of Tahiti.
This is off the beach from where I stayed.
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